Saturday, November 30, 2019


MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER RESEARCH THROUGH THE COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY APPROACH Essay Major Depressive Disorder Research through the Cognitive Psychology Approach Name: Course: Date: We will write a custom essay sample on MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER RESEARCH THROUGH THE COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY APPROACH specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER RESEARCH THROUGH THE COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY APPROACH specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER RESEARCH THROUGH THE COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY APPROACH specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Major Depressive Disorder Research through the Cognitive Psychology Approach Introduction Major depressive disorder affects millions of people worldwide every year and has become a common clinical condition. Normally, a person suffering from this disorder normally exhibits a sad mood and disinterest in things that would previously have fascinated him or her. Depression primarily has an effect over the â€Å"whole body†. In this case, the patients’ emotions and behavior undergo immense alteration. The exact causes of this condition are hard to pin point with some believing that it is hereditary or may be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. It has been established that major depressive disorder is a common condition among people suffering from Parkinson’s disease (PD) as well as a major contributor to disability and poor life quality (Nilsson, Kessing, Sorensen, Andersen, Bolwig, 2002). However, it is important to realize the difficulty of assessing this condition in patients with PD because of overlapping symptoms and assessing it in patients with cognitive impairment. In this regard, the Movement Disorder Society endeavored to carry out a research over the assessment of depression among patients with PD. A number of rating scales are used for the assessment of depression. The research was hence carried out to ascertain their credibility and consequently make recommendations. Literature Review Symptoms of depression have a tendency of occurring in people suffering from PD with studies suggesting that 40 percent are usually affected. Symptoms of depression have been recognized as being main determinants of how healthy PD patient lives and can as well affect cognitive function, and functional ability. This therefore makes it essential for the recognition and assessment of symptoms in patients suffering from PD. The research was able to identify a number of rating scales for the assessment and screening of depression disorder. Apparently, these scales are used to assess depression among patients suffering from PD or not (Hahlweg Goldstein, 2007). For purposes of selecting the scales, the research included all scales used for the assessment of depression disorder and those with the potential utility of assessing depressed patients suffering from PD. Scales specifically designed for the assessment of conditions similar to depression such as anxiety, apathy, and anhedonia were excluded. At present, the diagnosis of depressive disorder is done through the diagnostic and statistics strategy (DSM-IV) as recommended by the American Psychiatric Association. However, contrary to what the research found on the diagnosis of depressive disorder, I was able to establish otherwise. In this case, in research studies and clinical practice, particularly in treatment trials and surveys measuring the symptoms of depressive disorder, the use of DSM-IV is often not useful or feasible. The use of DSM-IV has shortfalls and has been recommended to undergo for revision. Even though discussions over how valid this criteria for depression assessment were not at the scope of the research, the problems involved and how they influence the assessment of severity and presence of depression in PD patients needs to be recognized and discussed. Methods The research team endeavored to form a committee for investigating the credibility of depression rating scales for patients with PD. The committee included seven members from North America, Europe, and Australia and included psychiatrists, psychologists, and neurologists who had good records of accomplishment in the field of depression for patients with PD. The members of the task force identified problems affecting the assessment of major depressive disorder. The team also identified eligible scales to be investigated. In this regard, I think that the committee members should have been subjected to a survey or interview to verify their credibility within the depressive disorder field. This would have been an efficient way of ensuring that the team selected was qualified to execute the research task. Nevertheless, the committee members organized a survey on the types of scales used to assess depressive disorder. The response rate amounted to four percent with 79 out of 2000 neurologists returning their questionnaires. A poor turn out of responses in this case possibly means that few neurologists make routine use of depression scales. In this regard, since the results of the research were drawn from a limited resource, then that ultimately renders the findings partly inconclusive. However, the research committee endeavored to formulate proforma for allowing a structured assessment of the depression scales. The proforma showed descriptions over scale availability, content, acceptability, and use. Judging by this data collection method, the committee worked well with the little information source they received and made clear and detailed tabulations. All statements made from the information were referenced and quantitative and qualitative results were summarized and tabulated. The rest of the task force assessed completed reviews and modified them in tune with unanimous suggestions. The chairperson was responsible for summarizing the identified problems, reviews, and conclusions. The final report was modified following group discussions with the entire task force. Results DSM-IV defines major depressive disorder as a loss in pleasure or interest or depressed mood for a period not less than two weeks, together with other symptoms that represent change from previous psychological state. These other features are changes in weight or appetite, retardation, insomnia, slowed speech, thought, worthlessness feelings, fatigue, guilt, death or ideas of suicide. Fundamentally, there should exclusion of symptoms that suggest a general condition. From this finding, I was able to establish that rating some of the depression symptoms is a daunting task because of considerable overlap of depression symptoms and PD symptoms. However, it is not clear whether there should have been an adoption of an inclusive approach for rating scales. The decision concerning how the symptoms should be rated is not trivial and influences the results of the study. In this regard, using diagnostic criteria and scales that have automatic inclusion of all somatic symptoms is capable of leading to incorrect depression results. In this situation, patients are more likely to be diagnosed with depression without the core depression symptoms. Alternatively, scales that do not include these symptoms may exhibit poor validity of criteria, particularly at as the depression spectrum ends. For example, apathy is a cardinal symptom of depressive disorder. However, apathy also occurs independently without depression (Nilsson, Kessing, Sorensen, Andersen, Bolwig, 2002). The research was also able to establish that major depression in some aspects differs from depression in PD. Furthermore, most of the patients suffering from PD exhibit depressive symptoms that do not fulfill the conditions of a major depressive episode. The research was also able to establish that scales for assessing depression have different uses. For example, one purpose serves to assess how severe depression is and check how the patient responds to antidepressant treatments. For this research or clinical task, a scale’s reliability, responsiveness, and responsiveness to good changes is relevant. The other reason of using rating scales is screening patients with PD for the possibility of depression. For purposes of screening, each use has use has an importance in clinical settings that require self-rating scales or untrained raters. Scales with good specificity and sensitivity may be used as screening tools. Rating scales used in depression do not offer assessment timing, something that is particularly crucial in patients suffering from PD. Furthermore, majority of rating scales are clinician rated, or patient reported. In this case, inputting collateral information may prove beneficial when assessing patients with PD. However, how or whether to use such information needs to be operationalized. The research found nine scales for assessing depression for patients with PD. These include the beck depression inventory, the Hamilton depression scale, the Zung depression scale, the Geriatric depression scale, the Montgomery depression scale, and the hospital anxiety and depression scale. Additionally, the corner scale was incorporated because it is the only universal scale used for patients with cognitive impairment, a common condition among depression patients with PD (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Some scales were not included but were considered because they only assess moods wit h short life such as Profile Mood States. Whilst the results were in recognition of the limitations of the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria and recommendations for criteria improvement, these DSM-IV criteria should have been used for purposes of measuring the validity of the criteria in the literature. All scales were established as valid even though structure was subject to variance thus leading to chances of differentiation of the results. There was no available data to suggest the one responsible for administering observer rated scales. However, information regarding the training need on each scale should have been provided. Discussion All scales reviewed in this research have some relevance in their purpose of assessing depressive disorder. Available scales for depression have a number of functions. Different purposes mean that different properties of the scales have to be taken into account. Recommendations should be made regarding how appropriate each scale should be used. Diagnosing depression should not solely be made based on a rating scale score. A mere score of these instruments cannot capture a comprehensive range of depression disorder. In this case, high scores may arise when the endorsement of somatic symptoms occurs (Sudak, 2012). On the other hand, low scores may occur even though serious symptoms of depression are present. For this reason, the standard for diagnosing depression has to remain the DSM-IV criteria. Limited evidence is enough to warrant the best scales for rating depression for patients with PD. The statistics from the research suggest that other scales may be useful. However, further studies need to be conducted. Patients are sometimes capable of perceiving their condition in an off rather than an on period. Off periods can be linked with psychiatric symptoms such as delusions, anxiety, and depression. These often improve with time since they are short lived. Since the reviewed scales have been made to make correct assessments, the preceding one or two weeks the off periods may not be considered. The recommendation in this case requires that patients exhibiting motor fluctuations to be assessed while they are in the on period. More studies need to be undertaken on the specificity, sensitivity, and negative and positive predictive values for every scale. Assessing the concurrent credibility of the scales should be made in comparison to the criteria for DSM-IV of major depression. The criteria of assessment of depressive condition are going through changes (Guay, 2012). Incorporating somatic symptoms in depression scales leads to incorrect scores for patients suffering from PD. This may therefore influence the outcome of treatment trials. This calls for an investigation in a clinical format. In general, the observer should use an inclusive approach when scoring answers and patients have to be informed that they should not attribute their symptoms to depression or PD when scoring scales of self-rating. The instruments evaluated in this research are not used to or were not designed to identify subsyndromal or minor depression, and do not offer reflections over the diversity PD mood disorders have. Thus, there is a need to make further characterization of other depressive disorder types. Furthermore, cutoffs need to make adopted for the purpose of research and a specified period designed to include a larger variety of depressive disorders rather than dealing with major depression through cutoffs. Furthermore, there is a need for separate assessment when using scales to measure anhedonia, anxiety of apathy. In this research, the team did not make an assessment on multidimensional scales. However, these scales may prove useful in certain circumstances and have to be validated prior to their recommendation for usage. The caregiver’s role in reporting depression symptoms needs to be operationalized and in particular with scales that assess depressive disorder with comorbid symptoms. Whilst assessing depressive disorder with patients suffering from PD, the task force committee agreed that a majority of the same setbacks would be encountered when a new scale for PD is being developed. At present therefore, the task force does not offer any recommendation for a new scale development. Rather, it advises better studying existing scales. Developing a depression scale in PD is feasible and relevant only when there is an agreement over certain conceptual issues. Furthermore, the aspect of comparing symptoms of depression in PD with those from psychiatric disorders bears advantages. In conclusion, it is vital to recognize that major depressive disorder is a widespread mental complication in the modern world that may sometimes lead to disability or disease such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). The Movement Disorder Society in the United States endeavored to carry out a research in order to assess depressive disorder among patients with PD. The research was able to identify a number of rating scales for the assessment and screening of depression disorder. In this regard, these scales are used to assess depression among patients suffering from PD or not. The research was able to establish that the diagnosis of depressive disorder is at present being carried out through the diagnostic and statistics strategy (DSM-IV). This is as recommended by the American Psychiatric Association. However, upon reviewing the findings of this research, it is vital to recognize that certain considerations need to be appreciated. In this case, I was able to establish that the diagnosis of depressive disorder should not solely be made based on a rating scale score. A mere score of these instruments cannot capture a comprehensive range of depression disorder. This implies that further tests need to be made carried to facilitate informed and correct conclusions regarding the psychological status of the patient in question (Puig Encinas, 2012). Reference American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with major depressive disorder. Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Association. Brown, M. R. (2004). Major Depressive Disorder Research. New York: Nova Biomedical Books. Guay, A. (2012). Major depressive disorder. Delhi: Research World. Hahlweg, K., Goldstein, M. J. (2007). Understanding major mental disorder: The contribution of family interaction research. New York: Family Process Press. Nilsson, F. M., Kessing, L. V., Sorensen, T. M., Andersen, P. K., Bolwig, T. G. (2002). Major depressive disorder in Parkinson’s disease: a register-based study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 106, 3, 202-11. Puig, F. J. E., Encinas, F. J. L. (2012). Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder in a University Psychology Clinic. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 15.( 3). 1388-1399. doi: Simpson, H. B. (2010). Anxiety disorders: Theory, research, and clinical perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sudak, D. M. (2011). Combining CBT and medication: An evidence-based approach. Hoboken: Wiley.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Guide to an Agriculture Research Paper

The Guide to an Agriculture Research Paper Well-presented and neatly crafted work is essential in communicating information that a student wants to share with peers, teacher, professors, etc. Structure, style, conciseness, the choice of language are factors, which profoundly affect the presentation of the material in the research paper and contribute to the success of a learner. It is vital to follow the general guidelines of academic writing when crafting a research paper. Agriculture is often a challenging topic for students. When people face a complicated assignment, the goal of composing an insightful and detailed work becomes even more pressing. Learners frequently face numerous issues before approaching the task that drives them off track. In particular, newcomers might tackle such problems as: lack of knowledge about the subject; poor writing skills; students become sidetracked from the main topic; the informal style of writing; over-generalized content; wrong choice of sources, etc. These problems often discourage learners from writing their assignments as they feel unmotivated to start their work on time and do some in-depth research on the topic. Therefore, it is essential to address these challenges and evaluate your skills before getting down to work. The following questions will guide you through this process and help prepare for writing: What topic are you going to study? What knowledge do you have about the subject? What is the goal of your research paper? What is the hypothesis? What do you need to explore in your writing? What does your professor want you to do? What topics do you need to disclose? What result do you expect to achieve? How can you apply them to practice? Who will be interested in your study? Answers to these questions can help identify your strong and weak features, which will provide with a chance to address challenges and prepare for the study. For instance, if you realize that you lack knowledge of the agricultural sector, you can read articles and scientific works devoted to this issue. This will help gain more understanding of the field and become proficient in the particular sphere. Even if you are an expert in agriculture, you can easily digress, which will affect the quality of the final paper. That is why it is essential to follow the guidelines to ensure you are going to meet all the demands and gain the highest score. Choosing a Hot Topic for the Research Paper If you have written several essays on agricultural topics, you might think that you will easily cope with this task. You have the necessary knowledge of the field and share some interests with your peers and teachers that you can use in your writing. Nonetheless, choosing the topic for a research paper might be a complicated challenge. There are several factors to take into consideration while defining the problem for the investigation. In particular, a learner should: Ensure the topic meets the requirements of the assignment. You might be interested in investigating the history of agriculture, while your professor asks to focus on policy and trade; Consider the scope of your work. You should look at all aspects of your field and find the most critical issue for the professionals operating in this sphere; Analyze previous studies and look at the available data. If numerous scholars have already discussed the topic, no one will be interested in another paper that repeats the well-known facts. Choosing a topic is not an easy cake as you will have to conduct a profound investigation before selecting the issue for further research. However, there is one strategy, which you can follow while developing your research topic: Conduct a background study. This step will help you get a big picture in mind and understand what subjects require precise attention. Brainstorm alternatives. Write several options, which you consider to be the best for your paper. You can consult a professor if you have difficulties with selecting the right variant. Identify the research question. Ask yourself what you want to get out of this study. What is your primary objective? Identify your approach to study. Decide whether you want to use primary or secondary data and consider how you will use it in the paper. This advice should assist you in the selection process and route you in the right direction. However, if you still experience difficulties with writing, the following 5 sample topics will provide you with great ideas: Implications of Diseases Outbreaks on the Agricultural Trade; Monitoring Weed and Pest Management Practices; Factors Affecting Labor Productivity in the Farming Sector; The Effect of Climate Change on the US Agriculture; Diversity in the US Agricultural Workforce. These topics are specific and relevant to the organizations operating in the agricultural sector. After you decide on the research question, you should carry out a study and state your findings in work. There is a set of recommendations that you should follow to make your work better and meet the professor’s demands. The Pre of How Our Writers Master It Before you get down to writing your agriculture research paper, consider the following points, which add to the value of your study. Organize notes. When you conduct preliminary research, make notes that will help you get a better understanding of the fundamental concepts. You should organize your records to ensure that you will not lose any essential data. Make a table or draw a chart to visualize the information. Develop a draft of the outline. Every paper should have a particular structure. Use the outline to guide you through the writing process. This step will help you keep the track of the research. Identify the main ideas. Look at the crucial points in your paper and write paragraphs, which will expand on these topics. In such a way, you will develop body paragraphs and place them in the right parts of your paper. Back up main points. Add more value to the paper using studies of renowned scholars. When you develop a point, look for scientists who have addressed the same issue and use their thoughts to support your own ideas. But, make sure you have cited the source correctly so you are not accused of plagiarism. Choose sources thoroughly. Cite credible sources only, which will provide you with the necessary information on the topic. Avoid using Wikipedia or blogs since they are not likely to be scientific databases. Cite sources in the draft. Provide citations to all information that you refer to articles, books, websites, etc. You should support your statements with arguments and cite the author, who shared the same ideas. Do not just restate findings of other studies, evaluate them. It is not enough just to summarize the information you have read in the articles and research papers. You should be able to analyze the data and provide your opinion on the point. Choose research methods. Decide on the research methods before you start writing. You should have a clear understanding of the research question and select the approach, which will fit the topic. For instance, if you are going to investigate diverse issues among the US agricultural workforce, you might consider conducting a series of interviews with professionals operating in this field. If you follow all these steps, it will help you analyze the information and look at the problem from different perspectives. When you have a big picture in mind, it is vital to structuralize your ideas correctly. How to Effectively Structure the Paper? Title. The title of the work is your hallmark as it tells a lot about your skills, subject knowledge, and proficiency. It is the part of the paper that is read the most among professors, so it is essential to make it informative, concise, and well-written. The main points that you should remember to capture the readers attention are: The title should not be too long. Read it several times and delete the words that do not speak much about the topic. Too short titles are too broad. Make your question specific and up to a point. No catchy phrases and non-specific language in academic writing. Use academic vocabulary and stick to the guidelines. Conjunctions do not start research papers. Nonetheless, you may use them at the beginning of the sentence to place an emphasis or underline the main point. For example, the title Yet One More Look at Agricultural Trade indicates that the author wants to analyze the previous works devoted to the topic. Thesis Statement. The thesis statement is the most important component of your paper as it contains the central message of your study and identifies what you stand for. It should include a claim that you will support in your writing. Additionally, this part of the work must be attention-grabbing as the reader should focus on this statement and keep it in mind until the end of the work. Besides, it needs to be focused and demonstrate your position on the topic. For example, if you argue that diversity in agricultural trade will positively affect the industry, you should mention it in the thesis statement. Body Paragraphs. Body paragraphs in the research contain all arguments that you will use to support your thesis statement. They expand on the research topic and explain the main ideas of the study. You should start the paragraph with a topic sentence, which describes what this part will be about. Pay precise attention to it and make sure it states a particular argument and tell a reader about some notion, phenomenon, problem finding, etc. Supporting sentences provide details to the main idea and help a writer to back up his/her topic statement. The Power of an Outline The research paper outline is a critical component of the work as it might alter the way a reader will interpret your findings. It profoundly affects the quality of the paper since a well-developed table of contents might speak a lot about your research, so it will provide a recipient with a general understanding of the research topic. The following tips will assist you in the development of a structured and well-perceived outline: Break your work down into meaningful parts. Analyze the content of the paper and identify the main points. Develop the main points and include them in the outline. They will provide a recipient with a clear structure for your work. Do not overload the outline with unnecessary points. They will make this part too long, which will confuse a reader. It is not the main part of the research paper, so it must be concise, but informative. An outline of the research paper cannot be too short. If you do not include all points of the study in the table of contents, a reader might skip this part and lose the track of the research. Include abstract and list of references. Develop your outline so that a professor understands that it contains all the necessary components of the research paper. Double check the page numbers. Make sure that the pages in the outline coincide with actual ones. Do not forget about introduction, conclusion, and appendixes. These parts frame your paper and make it structuralized. An introduction should lead a reader to the topic of your research and provide some background information about the scope of the study. Conclusion restates the thesis statement and summarizes the main points of the paper. An appendix is an optional part of the work. You might want to include pictures, tables, and charts, and this particular section is just responsible for this stuff. The Post-Writing Stage: Make Sure Your Paper Is a Masterpiece Editing. It is better to take some time before you edit your paper. From the first glance, it might seem that you have done perfectly well, and your professor will give you the highest score. However, after a while, you might realize that you forgot to add some essential information, which will lead to misunderstandings and frustration. That is why it is vital to look at the paper several times and focus your attention on the cohesion and coherence. You should check whether all ideas are logically linked and a reader is going to understand all the raised points in the work. Besides, it is excellent advice to give your work to your colleague or a friend and ask to summarize it after reading. This method will help you see whether all ideas are stated explicitly in the paper. Proofreading is one of the most critical stages. The research paper with grammar or spelling mistakes looks unprofessional. Nonetheless, students find it challenging to check their work at once. That is why it is better to proofread all parts immediately after you wrote them. This approach might help save time for additional editing and avoid common mistakes. Referencing. Do not forget to reference all the works that you have used in the research process. If you state the idea of the author without referencing his/her article or book, you might be accused of plagiarism. Therefore, it is better to check whether all sources are listed in the reference list. This agriculture research paper guide provides you with advice on how to craft the agriculture research paper that meets the essential requirements and sounds professionally. With time, you might develop your approach to academic writing and find your lifehacks. These agriculture research paper tips contain a set of points for those who experience difficulties with research papers.

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 Tips for Writing the Perfect Rice Essay Supplement

5 Tips for Writing the Perfect Rice Essay Supplement SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Rice is one of the top 20 universities in the nation, and to get in, you need more than just awesome grades and test scores- you need a compelling Rice essay.The Rice application requires several essays depending on the school you’re applying to at the university. So what should you write about for each Rice essay to make your application as strong as it can be? We'll explain what the Rice supplement is and go over the Rice University essay prompts you’ll see on your application. After, we'll give you expert tips on how to answer each essay prompt so you’ll have an even better shot at getting accepted to this prestigious university! Feature Image: faungg's photos/Flickr What Is the Rice Supplement? Like many colleges, Rice has a supplement that requires applicants to submit additional info to the school- that is, info not included in the Common Application or Coalition Application. The Rice writing supplementconsists of several essay and short answer prompts, which most undergraduate applicants (though not all- we’ll explain this in more detail shortly) must answer for their applications.These supplementary questions ask about applicants' choice of academic field, reasons for applying to Rice, and so on. In addition, as part of the Rice supplement, all applicants must upload an image that depicts something that appeals to them or is important to them. This requirement, called "The Box," isn’t an essay, but it plays just as important a role in the application process. So choose a picture wisely! Once you’ve answered all these questions and uploaded an image, you can submit your Rice supplement along with the rest of your application. What exactly are the Rice University essay prompts you need to answer? Let’s take a look. What Are the Rice University Essay Prompts? There are six Rice University essay prompts in total; however, feel free to relax a little since you won’t need to respond to all these prompts on your application. This is because the Rice University essay prompts you must answer will vary depending on the school you’re applying to at Rice. Below are all the current Rice University essay prompts, organized by what types of applicants are required to answer which ones. All Applicants There are three essays that all applicants must submit to Rice. The first of these is a personal essay that responds to one of the essay prompts provided by either the Common App or Coalition App (depending on which system you're using).This essay should be about500-550 words longand must be no longer than 650 words. Both the Common App and Coalition App offer several essay prompts from which you can choose. We won’t be listing those prompts here, but you can find them in our guides to theCommon App and Coalition App essay prompts. In addition to the Common App/Coalition App personal essay,all applicants must submit two short answers as part of the Rice supplement.Your answers to these questions will be much shorter than your personal essay, at just 150 words max per response. Here are the two short-answer prompts: There is a breadth of intellectual opportunities here at Rice. Further explain your intended major and other areas of academic focus you may explore. What aspects of the Rice undergraduate experience excite you and led you to apply? If you're into architecture, you'll need to answer these next two Rice University essay prompts. School of Architecture Applicants ONLY Applicants to the Rice School of Architecture must submit all of the above PLUS two more short answers (again, these are part of the Rice supplement).Your answer to each question must be no longer than 250 words, givingyoua little more space to work with compared with the two short-answer questions above. Here are the current Rice University essay prompts for School of Architecture applicants: What aspirations, experiences, or relationships have motivated you to pursue the study of architecture? Outside of academics, what do you enjoy most or find especially challenging? Applicants to All Other Schools (Besides Architecture) Applicants to all other schools (besides the School of Architecture) must submit a personal essay instead of the two architecture short answers.Like all the prompts listed above, this prompt is part of the Rice supplement. For this essay, you can write up to 500 words. Compared with the other Rice University essay prompts, this one clearly gives you waymore space to write. Here is the prompt for this longer Rice essay: Rice is lauded for creating a collaborative atmosphere that enhances the quality of life for all members of our campus community. The Residential College System is heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What personal perspectives would you contribute to life at Rice? All Rice University Essay Prompts, Analyzed Now that we’ve seen all the Rice University essay prompts, let’s analyze them one at a time to see how you can answer them effectively. Rice Short Answer 1 (All Applicants) There is a breadth of intellectual opportunities here at Rice. Further explain your intended major and other areas of academic focus you may explore. This first short answer wants you to summarize your (main) intended field of study as well as any other fields you’re interested in studying at Rice.It’s a deceptively simple prompt that’s about a lot more than just what you plan to study at Rice. The crux of this essay isn’t just summarizing your major- it’sexplaining why you’ve chosen this field and why Rice specifically will be a good fit for your goals and interests. Here are the questions this prompt is really asking you to answer: Why do you want to study this particular field? Why do you think Rice is a good fit for you and your academic interests? As you write your response, try to focus on specifics.Don’t just say you’ve always had an interest in writing stories. What specifically drove you to declare a major in English?For instance, you could discuss your deep fascination with Shakespeare, specifically withMacbeth, and how you're excited about Rice's array of Shakespeare-centered classes. If you have enough space (remember that your answer can only be 150 words max), you could also (or instead) elaborate onwhat you plan to do with your intended major after college and how Rice will help you achieve this goal. If you're hoping to study music, for example, you could write about how you believeRice's Navigating Music Careers portal and accomplished music faculty will help prepare you for establishing a successful career in music. If you're still undecided about what you want to major in, this is a great time to explain what kinds of fields you’re considering studying and why they intrigue you. Maybe you recently developed an interest in architecture after seeing the famous Gateway Arch in St. Louis, and are now thinking of taking some architecture classes at Rice. Whatever the case, be clear about what you (might) want to study and why. What do you want to study at Rice? Rice Short Answer 2 (All Applicants) What aspects of the Rice undergraduate experience excite you and led you to apply? Unlike the prompt above, this prompt is not limited to academics (though you are welcome to talk about those here as well, as long as you don’t repeat anything you wrote for your other short answer).Basically, Rice just wants to know this: why Rice? This prompt is actually a variation of the "why this college" essay,which many colleges ask for in their applications.Specifically, this prompt is asking you to focus on why Rice is an ideal fit for you. Here are some examples of topics you could write about: A particular academic program or major you’re interested in doing, possibly one that’s not offered elsewhere or is somewhat rare The small community atmosphere at Rice and the fun activities and traditions it offers students, such as O-Week and Beer Bike The diversity of the Rice student body and why this positive, blended environment would be ideal for you as a student Its urban location in Houston and how you intend to use the resources of the big city to further your academic and/or professional interests A certain professor or faculty memberwhom you wish to work with Remember to be specific- don’t just say you’re interested in Rice because it's known for quality research or because it's ranked highly on many "best colleges" lists.What specific features does Rice have that made you apply? If you’re not sure what to write about for this Rice essay, I recommend doing some research on Rice.Start by visiting the official Rice website to see what the school offers in terms of academics, extracurricular activities, professional opportunities, internships, study abroad programs, etc. You can read more about anything that sticks out to you or resonates with your interests. You can also refer to community-based websites, such as College Confidential and Reddit, to see what current students have to say about life at Rice. Rice Short Answer 3 (Architecture Applicants ONLY) What aspirations, experiences, or relationships have motivated you to pursue the study of architecture? This prompt is similar to Short Answer 1 in that it’s asking you to elaborate on your chosen major (in this case, architecture) and why you’re interested in it.For this essay, however, you don’t need to focus on architecture as a major as much as you do on architecture as a passion. In other words, this is your chance to tell the story of how you developed a deep interest in architecture and what architecture means to you. For this Rice essay, and as the prompt says, you can focus onaspirations (what goals do you have and how does architecture fulfill these?), experiences (did a particular incident make you develop an interest in architecture?), andrelationships (who, if anyone, inspired you to study the field?). Here are some potential topics you could write about: A particular person, such as a parent or teacher, who introduced you to architecture, and how this person influences you today (if applicable) A design or architecture class you took, either at school or as an extracurricular, and how this class made you become interested in architecture A certain piece of architecture, such as the Eiffel Tower or Empire State Building, you either saw in person or learned about and that made you want to study the field further Your love of design, and how toys you used to play with as a child, such as LEGO bricks, led to your gradually developing a desire to learn more about architecture as a field Any personal experience that relates to how you became interested in architecture- maybe you grew up in a shoddy apartment complex, an experience which showed you how better and safer architecture could improve people’s day-to-day lives In your essay, use specific detailsandavoidclichà ©dopenings, such as "I knew I wanted to study architecture when †¦" The admissions committee at Rice has more than likely heard these types of overly broad statements hundreds, if not thousands, of times, so avoid them! This is one clichà © you'll definitely want to avoid in your Rice essay. Rice Short Answer 4 (Architecture Applicants ONLY) Outside of academics, what do you enjoy most or find especially challenging? This is an interesting essay prompt since it’s so much broader than the other one you have to do as an architecture applicant to Rice.The purpose of this prompt is to reveal to Ricewhat types of activities you’re interested or engaged in (outside of architecture), and what role they play in your life. Think about what you do in your spare time, what you’re passionate about, and possibly what you are obligated to do (such as chores or duties at work).Are there any activities you do that you find fun but also intellectually or physically challenging? Are you particularlyinvested in an activity? Don’t be afraid to get really creative and honest here- you’re allowed to write about an activity that’s unconventional, eccentric, "boring," or even plain goofy.Just make sure you’re also giving the admissions committee deeper insight into something about you, such ashow you flourish when competing against your own times in cross country races or how you calm yourself down with a big bowl of Froot Loops every evening.Ultimately, you want to highlight a personal strength. Here are some examples of topics you could write about: An instrument you play every day or nearly every day, why this activity is so significant to you, and how it has helped shape your personality or goals A sport you play, why it’s important to you, and how it's contributed to a certain personality trait you have, such as determination or optimism A video game or other game you love to play, such as Dungeons and Dragons or Mario Kart, and what this game means to you on a personal, intellectual, or emotional level Any other hobby you have and why it’s important to you, as well as how it has helped you cultivate or reach a goal you had A task, chore, or duty you have to do often, either at home or at a part-time job, and what this activity has revealed to you, such as the necessity of doing something you're not a fan of in order to be able to do or get something you really want Volunteering with an organization or at a specific place, and what this activity means to you (NOTE:I recommend only picking this topic if you're continually involved with a specific volunteer effort and if it’s something you’re very invested in- if you helped out at an animal shelter just once, for instance, don’t write about that here!) A food, TV show, movie, guilty pleasure, etc., that you love and indulge in on a regular basis, and why you believe this routine is helpful or even necessary for you As a final tip for this Rice essay, don't feel obligated to choose an "impressive" topic. Instead, use this fun and open-ended essay prompt as a chance to demonstrate your personal strengths and passions in a highly personal, creative way. Rice Essay (All Applicants EXCEPT Architecture) Rice is lauded for creating a collaborative atmosphere that enhances the quality of life for all members of our campus community. The Residential College System is heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What personal perspectives would you contribute to life at Rice? Aside from the Common App/Coalition App personal essay, this is the longest Rice essay you’ll write for your application (unless you’re an architecture applicant- in that case, you don’t have to write this essay!). Once again, you have a limit of 500 words, which should give you plenty of space to delve into the details of yourself and what you'll contribute to the community at Rice. So what is this prompt asking you to do exactly? This prompt is essentially a diversity essay prompt in that it's asking what makes you different from other applicants and what qualities you can bring to Rice. Note the significance of the word "unique" in the prompt here- this is the crux of what you should write about in your essay.What specific, unique qualities do you have that you think will make a positive contribution to the Rice community? Here are some sample topics you could write about for this Rice essay: A particular skill you have- for example, maybe you often play classical guitar music to calm down your younger sibling at home, and you think this skill could help students (and yourself) feel better during finals week at Rice A positive personality trait you have, such as optimism or dedication, and how this trait has helped you in life and could help you and others at Rice as well A cultural, religious, or ethnic background you have that is important to you in your daily life and that you feel will help increase the diversity at Rice Any unique experiences that are significant to you or have had a major impact on how you define yourself- perhaps you’ve lived in many countries and believe these experiences of constantly having to adapt to new cultures and lifestyles might help you (and others!) with transitioning to life at Rice Make sure to show, not tell.You’ve got plenty of room to be able to tell a compelling story, so try not to rely on dull descriptions, clichà ©s, and general, all-encompassing statements. Rather,fill your story with personality, voice, images, and realism.Using a variety ofliterary devices can add lots of color to your writing and will help your essay stand out. In addition, don’t repeat anything you’ve already written in your Common App/Coalition App essay. The essays required for both application systemsare similar to the Rice essay above in that they’re all longer and more personal. Write about something different for each so you don’t sound as though there’s just one single thing that defines you. The essay example we're about to show you got the Rice mark of approval! Real Rice Essay Example + Analysis Though knowing what kinds of topics you can write about for each Rice essay is definitely helpful, it’s even better to be able to see what an actual successful Rice essay looks like. Below,we show you a real Rice essay example that was written by an admitted student. The following essay was written in response to a prompt similar to the current Rice essay prompt for Short Answer 2 above. (In other words, it’s essentially a "Why Rice?" prompt.) Note: Since this essay is a little older and the Rice essay topics change every few years, the prompt and word length for this essay differ slightly from the current guidelines. For this essay, the word limit was 250 words, whereas the current limit is 150 words. Here is the essay: "We are going to visit Rice today," my mom leaned back in her front row seat and said to me. Wait, is that a restaurant specializing in all kinds of rice dishes? Like fried rice, rice soup, and rice balls? My brain went into a frenzy. All other questions flooding my thoughts dissipated, however, when my eyes lay on Rice’s beautiful Byzantine-style buildings with its magnificent archways and its soft sand-pink brick walls. While just outside its surroundings the thriving city life of Houston continues, Rice kept its sacred ground intimate with its relatively small campus and peaceful with its large spreads of greenery and shades. It’s perfect! said my right brain, falling in love at first sight with the campus. My left brain, however, chastised the emotional side of me with Don’t judge a book by its cover. You can’t just choose your true love like that! Exasperated by my left brain, I attended an information seminar. Phrases like "Passport to Houston," "Best Quality of Student Life," "Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen," and "more than 40 interdisciplinary centers" flashed by my eyes. Almost unlimited access to Houston’s transportation and hangout spots? A research facility where I can group with students of all fields and work on solving real-world problems? Friendly research faculty who might allow me to continue my interdisciplinary research in psychology and computer science? My left brain finally gave in. Alright, alright. Let’s go make Rice into not just a staple for food, but also education, then. Source What Makes This Rice Essay Work? It’s got a lot of personality. The italicized parts, which symbolize the applicant’s thoughts, give us a highly personal and intriguing look into their reactions to their first visit to Rice. In addition, the humorous bits (such as when the university’s name is compared to the actual rice food) add a fun and creative touch. It oozes passion.While this applicant might occasionally go a little overboard in how they describe how amazing Rice is, one thing is clear: they’re extremely interested in attending Rice and making the most of their interdisciplinary interests here. How Could This Rice Essay Be Even Better? It could cut out the clichà ©s. The saying "Don’t judge a book by its cover" has been done to death and doesn’t add any memorable insight into the applicant. This essay would be better if the applicant had changed this phrase or simply cut it out completely. Moreover, although the concept of Rice as a food is funny, this applicant likely isn’t the first person to have made a joke about this. It could be more specific.Although there’s clearly a lot of passion in this Rice essay, it lacks detail in areas where we could've learned a lot more about the applicant. For example, what kinds of research does this person want to conduct at Rice? And what "real-world problems" do they want to solve? How to Write a Great Rice Essay: 5 Key Tips Before you go off writing your Rice essay, here are some final tips to keep in mind. #1: Use Specific Details I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: be specific in your essays.Rice doesn’t just want to know that you’re good at softball- it wants to know why this sport is important to you, what kind of role it plays in your life, and how it makes you feel. If you’re describing a specific person in one of your essays, use concrete details to show the admissions committee who this person really is.Does she have an endearing gap in her teeth when she smiles?What does his voice sound like? Details like these will allow your readers to more readily feel the personality and passion in your writing, making it easier to relate to you on a deeper level.They’ll also help you and your essays stand out from the sea of applicants, which is always a plus! #2: Channel Your Inner Voice Personal essays are all about showcasing your personality and a side of yourself that’s not made clear in the more quantitative (i.e., grades and test scores) parts of your application. Therefore, with each Rice essay, make sure you’re channeling your inner voice.Does the essay sound as though you wrote it and not someone else did?Are you writing about what you really want to andnot what you think the Rice admissions committee wants to read? For example, if you’re naturally a humorous person, feel free to throw in a joke or two.If you’re the poetic type, you could add in some lines of poetry you’ve written (if relevant to your essay topic) or sprinkle in some flowery metaphors. The basic tip here is to write in whatever way comes most natural to you. That being said, there are a few things you should always avoid in your college essays: Typos, poor grammar, incorrect spelling, and other technical errors (the only exception to this would be if you’re quoting someone who used incorrect grammar or colloquial words such as "ain't" or "gonna") Inappropriate stories- don’t write about the time you got arrested or made an obviously wrong or immoral choice, for example Rude or impolite words and phrases #3: Give Yourself Plenty of Time Even though most of the essays on the Rice supplement aren’t that long, you still have a lot to write for just one school, so these essays will likely take up a lot of your free time. Be sureto start your essays (for all the colleges you're applying to- not just Rice) ahead of time, ideally at least a few months before your college application deadlines. #4: Avoid Repeating Yourself Many of the Rice University essay prompts touch on similar topics, such as why you want to attend Rice, why you want to study a certain field, and what makes you unique. As you answer the prompts, try to ensure there isn't too much overlap between the content of your essays. It’s OK if there’s a little bit of repetition. For example, it'd be hard not to talk about your interest in architecture as you answer Short Answer 1 (What do you want to major in?) and Short Answer 3 (Why architecture?). That said, your primary goal should be to try to focus on different main points for each of your essays.This way, Rice will get a more well-rounded (versus one-sided) picture of who you are. Repeat the same things in your essays and you'll look just like a regular ol' lemon. #5: Don’t Forget to Proofread! For each Rice essay, take a lot of time to edit and proofread it. After you write a rough draft, put the essay away for a few days.Once some time has passed, take your essay out again and reread it. Fix any obvious errors, such as typos and misspellings, and mark any areas that are awkward, unclear, or irrelevant. Do this process a few times until you have a fairly clean draft.Then, give your essay to someone else to read; this could be a parent, teacher, older sibling, tutor, etc.Ask this person for feedback and use their advice to further tweak your essay until you eventually have a quality final draft. As with any essay, be sure to do one final proofread (and get someone else to look it over, too!) right before you submit it to a college. What’s Next? Interested in applying to other highly prestigious schools besides Rice? Then take a look at our guides to how to write essays for Northwestern, Harvard, and Stanford. Writing college admissions essays can be tricky. Check out our expert guides to learn how you can write a great Common Application essay and Coalition Application essay. For more tips on how to get into Rice,including what SAT/ACT score you'll need, check out our Rice University admissions page. Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Impacts of Information Technology Systems on Hotels Essay

Impacts of Information Technology Systems on Hotels - Essay Example ation technology systems enhance customer experience, increase revenues, differentiate brands, improve cost effectiveness and finally increase security. The recommendations include: embracing and implementing information technology systems that reflect the current trends in the global business environment and the need to have the staff in the industry compliment the information provided over the internet. The hotel industry, and in extension the entire hospitality industry, has significantly evolved over the years as it strives to meet the emerging customer needs in the modern digital era. This has been prompted by the emerging technological innovations that currently characterize daily life in almost all spheres. In recognition of these changes, the hotel industry has kept up the pace with modern times by embracing and integrating technology as a key component of hotel operations. Currently, hotels operate real-time service delivery through efficient websites, booking systems and fully automated management systems. Indeed, the Hotel Investment Conference convened in Durban identified technology as the driver of change and innovation in this broad industry (Reynard, 2012). The benefits of technology-based solutions not only accrue to the hotel operators, but also to the customers served by the industry. This paper seeks to answers the question: should a hotel invest in Smartphone-bas ed check-in and information systems? The major technological innovations that have changed the trends in the hotel industry are largely driven by the globalized business environment. As a result of globalization and increase in international trade, traveling and efficient international links are becoming an increasingly important aspect of the global hotel industry. This implies that the technology systems should offer global solutions so as to cater for the varied needs of customers in different locations. Secondly, the unprecedented growth and relevance of social media platforms has

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The bottled drinking water industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The bottled drinking water industry - Essay Example Qualitative measures are to be given utmost importance as it will maintain good health and prevent us from deadly diseases. The awareness about the good quality water became significant for last two decades due to information technology and hence people started preferring bottled drinking water. There are several types of bottled water available in the world (FN2). 1) Purified drinking water 2) Naturally sparkling water 3) Mineral water 4) seltzer 5) Mineral water etc. mineral water contains dissolved solids like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and bicarbonates. (a) In general the consumer surveys revealed that the taste of bottled water is fine compared to that of tap water. It is due to the fact that the disinfectant used for bottled water i.e. ozone doesn't leave any residue or smell. In case of tap water residue will be left by chlorine (disinfectant). As a result 54 % of the American population is found to be consuming bottled drinking water and the it is reported that the consumption of bottled water became tripled in the last decade in U.S.A. Bottled-water consumption has also increased around the world in the past 30 years. It is estimated to be worth $22 billion, the world bottled-water market represents an annual volume of 89 billion liters. It is reported that Western Europeans are the world's major bottled water consumers-85 liters per person annually (FN4). Concern over regulations of bottled drinking water: However there has been growing concern over safety regulations of bottled drinking water in the recent days. Hence here is a need to analyze the present level of regulations, its adequacy and relevance, organization controlling regulations and information provided to the customers relating to critical health contaminants and source of water supply. Let us discuss one by one. (1) What is the present level of regulation for bottled drinking water Presently the bottled drinking water is regulated by FDA (Food and Drug Administration). FDA regulates this product under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA or the Act) and several sections of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Bottled water quality standards were initially adopted in 1973 and were based on the 1962 U.S. Public Health Service standards for drinking water. In 1974, the Safe Drinking Water Act gave the responsibility to the Environmental Protection Agency for ensuring the safety of municipal water systems, which includes setting maximum limits for chemical, bacteriological and radioactive contaminants and physical contaminants that affect odor, taste and color. In

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Political Diversity as Manifested in the Jesse Jackson Presidential Bids Essay Example for Free

Political Diversity as Manifested in the Jesse Jackson Presidential Bids Essay Baptist Minister turned Illinois second district congressman Jesse Jackson made two attempts to become the Democratic Party nominee in 1984 and 1988. In the 1988 bid for the White House, Jackson was defeated by Senator Michael Dukakis for the Democratic nomination but not after showing strong in initial state nominating conventions. Jackson then capitalized his racial (black) circumstance and challenged political personalities and organizational corporations (Steele A19). Despite Jackson’s strong impact to the country and American people during that time, his candidacy was expectedly marred with controversies. In fact, if he pursued his bid around that period, Jackson would have been prevented from being a political leader or worst, ended up not winning at all. The reason behind this is what Walton wrote as the Critical Election Theory wherein Jackson’s efforts to be the first Black U. S. President were questioned. Based from the presupposition of the said theory, his position that it was time for blacks to have their ways into the Democratic Party nomination and eventually the White House was evaluated in a manner that it would hurt Jackson more apparently due to his egotistical endeavors (Walton 49). However, the political arena has changed for the past two decades. As Barker wrote, the concern and uncertainty brought by the emergence of the black power and an increased awareness on the need for change created another level of enthusiasm for people to support now the black bids in the likes of Jackson and now with Barack Obama (Barker 3). Had Jackson made the bid this year or if he was the Democratic Party candidate against Sen. John McCain, he could have won the presidency just like Obama. The situation that catapulted Obama to the White House could have also been smartly utilized by Jackson to kick out the incumbent Republican President George Bush. If Jesse Jackson was the Democratic Party nominee for the 2008 elections, he could have handily beaten McCain just as well. Like Obama, Jackson possesses the charms and eloquence which convinced Americans to go for change change in their perception of politics, change in their views on racial discrimination, change to accept a new brand of leadership and change for a better and different United States of America. Obama was simply lucky that a confluence of events conspired to generate a feeling of anger and disgust in the hearts and minds of the American people on the mess created by President Bush who was perceived as insensitive and stubborn. Add to it McCains image of being conservative just like Bush. And both gentlemen were devastated by hurricane â€Å"Change† of Obama that in the process swept the Chicago first term congressman to the worlds most powerful post. Jesse Jackson should, in fact, be credited for paving the way for â€Å"non-whites† to be accepted by the Americans on the national scale. Yes, a lot of Black Americans, Asian Americans and European Americans, among others, won elective positions in several states but only few managed to be recognized as serious contenders for the United States presidency. With Obamas victory, it wont be difficult anymore for â€Å"colored† Americans to vie or the White House. America has truly matured into becoming the worlds melting pot of diverse cultures. Gone are the days that the whites dominate just practically all facets of American life. So when Jesse Jackson introduced himself as a Black presidential contender, it was just a matter of time before America installs a colored man or woman as their president. And just like Jackson, Barack Obama, despite his being a neophyte in politics, came at the right time when America was absolutely ready for change.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Religion in early Virginia :: essays research papers

In a harsh new world, Virginia's English colonists were supported by an ancient and familiar tradition, the established church. The law of the land from 1624 mandated that white Virginians worship in the Anglican church (The Church of England) and support its upkeep with their taxes. Where religion was an integral part of everyday life in Virginia, the lines blurred between religious and civil authority. Virginia gentlemen, who supported establishment but disliked centralized church authority, gained control of parish vestries and county courts to secure their power over religious matters. Despite establishment, the religious life of white Virginians was not without diversity. Dissenters from many Protestant groups had settled in the colony from early on, and had long resented the legal restrictions placed on their own practice of religion. Finally, after about 1750, evangelical Christians started a struggle for religious freedom parallel to and often opposite from the wider struggle for political independence. Although Anglicans tolerated Protestant dissenters, they found the traditional religious views of Native Americans and Africans beyond sanction. But English colonists made only fitful efforts to bring blacks and Indians into the established church. The Powhatans and Indians further inland proved resistant to Christianity. For blacks, the oppression of slavery inevitably forced them to abandon a purely African worldview. Still, they did not come to Christianity in great numbers until evangelicals began gathering Christians from both races after the mid-eighteenth century. Although some blacks and whites formed bonds through their shared evangelical experience, Virginia's celebrated statute for religious freedom would have only limited meaning for African-Americans until after the Civil War. The Anglican gentry in Virginia long had a reputation for shallow faith and attendance at church was more of habit and a desire for social contact than piety or zeal. Historians have begun to reevaluate this oversimplified view. They now characterize many of Virginia's elite as sincere attachments to a moderate faith that provided a standard for judgment. Faith was only a private and family affair. Reflections on a minister's sermons, for example, were discussed within the family group or recorded in diaries, such as those of William Byrd II and John Blair of Williamsburg. The spread of religion in eighteenth-century life inspired the motifs used in the design of some household furnishings. Inscriptions on this pot encouraged the hostess, as she poured coffee, to "keep her conversation as becometh the lord" and her company to remember the comforting words of the twenty-third psalm, "the Religion in early Virginia :: essays research papers In a harsh new world, Virginia's English colonists were supported by an ancient and familiar tradition, the established church. The law of the land from 1624 mandated that white Virginians worship in the Anglican church (The Church of England) and support its upkeep with their taxes. Where religion was an integral part of everyday life in Virginia, the lines blurred between religious and civil authority. Virginia gentlemen, who supported establishment but disliked centralized church authority, gained control of parish vestries and county courts to secure their power over religious matters. Despite establishment, the religious life of white Virginians was not without diversity. Dissenters from many Protestant groups had settled in the colony from early on, and had long resented the legal restrictions placed on their own practice of religion. Finally, after about 1750, evangelical Christians started a struggle for religious freedom parallel to and often opposite from the wider struggle for political independence. Although Anglicans tolerated Protestant dissenters, they found the traditional religious views of Native Americans and Africans beyond sanction. But English colonists made only fitful efforts to bring blacks and Indians into the established church. The Powhatans and Indians further inland proved resistant to Christianity. For blacks, the oppression of slavery inevitably forced them to abandon a purely African worldview. Still, they did not come to Christianity in great numbers until evangelicals began gathering Christians from both races after the mid-eighteenth century. Although some blacks and whites formed bonds through their shared evangelical experience, Virginia's celebrated statute for religious freedom would have only limited meaning for African-Americans until after the Civil War. The Anglican gentry in Virginia long had a reputation for shallow faith and attendance at church was more of habit and a desire for social contact than piety or zeal. Historians have begun to reevaluate this oversimplified view. They now characterize many of Virginia's elite as sincere attachments to a moderate faith that provided a standard for judgment. Faith was only a private and family affair. Reflections on a minister's sermons, for example, were discussed within the family group or recorded in diaries, such as those of William Byrd II and John Blair of Williamsburg. The spread of religion in eighteenth-century life inspired the motifs used in the design of some household furnishings. Inscriptions on this pot encouraged the hostess, as she poured coffee, to "keep her conversation as becometh the lord" and her company to remember the comforting words of the twenty-third psalm, "the

Monday, November 11, 2019

Compare Human Brain and the Computer

Over the past years we have seen how computers are becoming more and more advance, challenging the abilities of the human brain. We have seen computers doing complex assignments like launching of a rocket or analysis from outer space. But the human brain is responsible for, thought, feelings, creativity, and other qualities that make us humans. So the brain has to be more complex and more complete than any computer. Besides if the brain created the computer, the computer cannot be better than the brain.There are many differences between the human brain and the computer, for example, the capacity to learn new things. Even the most advance computer can never learn like a human does. While we might be able to install new information onto a computer it can never learn new material by itself. Also computers are limited to what they â€Å"learn†, depending on the memory left or space in the hard disk not like the human brain which is constantly learning everyday.Computers can neithe r make judgments on what they are â€Å"learning† or disagree with the new material. They must accept into their memory what it’s being programmed onto them. Besides everything that is found in a computer is based on what the human brain has acquired though experience. Another difference between the human brain and the computer is, the creativity of the human brain. For instance humans can create art, act in plays, or write stories and songs but computers can only help us in these activities not come up with them.While computers can help us solve math problems and find answers to certain questions it can never think of new solutions until they have been programmed into them. Furthermore computers cannot create new games or produce anything they desire like humans. In fact, the human brain is the one who comes up with new ideas or theories not taught before. But in a computer, everything that is there has being taught out by the human brain. Although the computer brain and the human brain have many differences they also have a couple similarities.Both can increase their memory storage capacity. Computer memory grows by adding computer chips. Memories in the brain grow by stronger synaptic connections. Both computers and brain have repair and â€Å"backup† systems. The brain has â€Å"built-in back up systems† in some cases. If one pathway in the brain is damaged, there is often another pathway that will take over this function of the damaged pathway. Both can degrade. Computers break down and brain cells deteriorate. Like all machinery, computers break down with time.Brains also deteriorate with age, losing their functions and slowing down because of lower counts of chemicals and hormones. Both are used for storage of information, to process information and to run tasks. In terms of the functions, both are used for mathematical calculations, carrying out complex algorithms and to storing of crucial information. Counting all the simil arities and differences of the brain and the computer brain, you would now see that the computer and the brain do have somethings in common, but in many more ways they are actually more different than they are similar.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization

Marketing is an important tool for any business. It is how a company makes their product known to the public. Without marketing, the consumers will either not know that the product even exists or will not know all the applications of the product; who makes it, what it is and what it is made from, when came on the market, where it can be purchased, how it can help the consumer and why the consumer should even purchase the product in the first place. According to Tom Ash, Marketing is the process whereby demands for products, services and ideas are anticipated, managed and satisfied (2011). Now, marketing research, on the other hand is just as important, just as effective and the results are just as significant to the success of a company. Creating a marketing strategy is just as important as business creating a business plan. In order to develop your strategy for your business it does require some form of research (Stein, 2009). After all, how could a company, not matter how big or small, know how to put their product or service on the market without researching what the market is looking for to begin with? Kudler Fine Food’s marketing strategy reaches out first to the senses by describing their delicious food and spirits; it targets an audience that would prefer finer foods as well as their locations. Kudler describes each of its three locations and points out that they are spacious and located in fashionable shopping areas. Kudler not only details what they sell, but who they are, what their mission is and what their history is. In my opinion, a company that is so open to the public about itself is using a remarkable marketing strategy. I must say that I am a visual person and while seeing the pictures that Kudler offers on their web-site, their lyrical description of the foods they offer makes me wish that this was a real place! For this reason, I believe that visual marketing is the most powerful and effective marketing tool ever created. The bakery, meats and seafood, produce, cheese and wine are so much easier to sell when they are visually mouthwatering to the consumer! The most interesting tactic that I am aware of on the Kudler Fine Food’s ite is the survey. I personally think this is a great (as well as free) way to obtain feedback on their stores and learn how to improve them in an effort to meet their customer’s needs; not the needs of their own. It aids Kudler in learning what and where their strength and weaknesses are simply by offering a one minute survey for customers that have visited their store to do. Of course, no web-site is perfect; they each have room for growth. On the Kudler Fine Food’s web-site, in my opinion, the area that could use additional market research is the specific types of foods that the consumer is in the market for. The web-site lists the different types of food that they sell, of course, but if they went a little further and offered additional market research that informed the visitors of the web-site as well as the store what products they they sell are good for you and in what way, I think the web-site would be much more beneficial to the consumer. This would be especially effective in a time where people are so careful about eating healthy foods and stores that help them find those foods. According to McGonagle, â€Å"Competitive intelligence is the selection, collection, interpretation and distribution of publicly-held information that has strategic importance, it is the analytical process that transforms disaggregated competitor intelligence into relevant, accurate and usable strategic knowledge about competitors, position, performance, capabilities and intentions, a way of thinking. It uses public sources to locate and develop information on competition and competitors and it is highly specific and timely information about a corporation† (2009). This relates to the Kudler Fine Food’s marketing strategy because Kudler uses its selection, collection, interpretation and distribution of publicly-held information about not only themselves, but about the products the sell. I can say that I have not really been able to locate any company that Kudler is competitive with on their web-site but I do notice that their selection can be considered competitive in any market. The way in which Kudler describes their position, performance, capabilities and intentions is very relative to a marketing strategy because they are not hiding behind any veils or doors about whom they are or who they portray what they are about. The importance of competitive intelligence and analysis in regards to the development of Kudler Fine Food’s tactics offers the consumer the opportunity to tell them what they do or don’t like, which store they have hopped in, how the learned about Kudler Fine Food’s, and why they shopped there and why they will shop there again. Any tactic a business can use in analyzing their own web-site through the eyes of their customer is a very strong use of competitive intelligence. Kudler Fine Food’s also utilizes the tactic of visual aids which entice the consumer even more. The competitive intelligence used in this tactic is by making their food look better than that of their competitors. It is their attention to detail and the responsibility they take in creating and selling food’s that are affordable, healthy and accessible to their customer. Doing research can involve finding out who else is in the niche, how they are advertising, what keywords they are targeting, where they are advertising, and many other factors. This does not mean that you follow your competition or stalk them because you very well could be wasting a great deal of time doing this (Stein, 2009). Kudler uses the wording ‘Finest Foods’. Now while there is no way to prove that their food is the finest available, they believe that it is. That is the greatest strength in marketing research in the development of Kudler Fine Food’s; believing that your company and your product is the best on the market. Every company has something different to offer the consumer. Whether it be a product: cosmetic, mechanical, clothing or a service, the best way to market yourself and your product is by believing in the product or service. References Ash, T. (2011). Why marketing is important to your business. Retrieved May 17, 2011 from McGonagle, J. (2009). An overview of competitive intelligence. Retrieved May 17, 2011 from Stein, J. (2009). Why is marketing research important to developing marketing strategy. Retrieved May 17, 2011 from

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Create a Website Link From a MySQL Database With PHP

Create a Website Link From a MySQL Database With PHP Often people new to working with databases  are able to fetch the information they need and echo it onto a page, but then they struggle with figuring out how to link the results for use on a website. This is a simple process in which you echo the appropriate HTML and call the URL in the middle of it.  You can use PHP to connect to and manipulate databases. The most popular database system used with PHP is MySQL. Together, PHP and MySQL are cross-platform. Create a Link From a MySQL Database With PHP In this example, you fetch an array and assign it to $info, and one of the fields holds email addresses. while($info mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { Print $info[name] . ; Print Note that this code called .$info[email] twice- once to display the email and once to be used in the link. The actual href linking code is placed around the information using print or echo and separated with dots. Here is another example using a web address and website name. while($info mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { Print .$info[sitetitle] . ; } Again you first print the. The URL generated with this code can be used on your website to provide a link to the information contained in the MySQL database.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A War On Women And Drugs Criminology Essay

A War On Women And Drugs Criminology Essay In 1986 Congress passed mandatory minimum sentencing. Federal mandatory drug sentences take the decision away from the judge and gives sentences based on: 1. The type of drug; 2. The weight or alleged weight of the drug mixture and 3. The number of prior convictions. The rise of women in prison seems to be correlated with US drug laws and policies. Many researchers argue that the war on drugs has directly become a war on women. In 1999, the Bureau of Justice Statistics documented that 1 in 3 women were likely serving time for a drug offense in comparison to 1 in 8 women in 1986. Three reasons often determine the involvement of women in the criminal justice system, the first would be a history of abuse, the second issue is disrupted family and personal relationships and finally the third is drug abuse. Women that end up in prison have usually been abused and/or battered, are economically disadvantaged, have abused drugs, and/or are minorities. Due to the circumstances just mentioned and stricter policies and laws regarding drugs the outcome is a drastic rise in the incarceration of women. If women are seen as victims of circumstance then they are basically adapting to the conditions of their lives and struggling to survive. The status of women in prison reflects their status in society; they are marginalized by racism and sexism. Women in prison have been damaged by the oppression of patriarchy, economic marginalization and the far-reaching effects of such short sighted and detrimental policies as the war on drugs and the over reliance on incarceration, (Owen, 2000). Female Offenders Women have become the new offender in the criminal justice system. Through the years the amount of women incarcerated has greatly risen. In 2000, there were more than 1 million women in the United States in prison, probation or parole, whereas in 1990 there were 600,000 in the same situation. The rise in the incarceration of women can be greatly attributed to US policies and laws o n drugs and drug related crimes. Women are usually minimally involved in drug crimes but are severely punished due to the mandatory minimum laws in place. The war on drugs does not have laws laid out specifically for men and women, the laws are universal and apply equally to both men and women. Drug laws were originally designed for the male criminal and did not take into account the special circumstances in women’s lives. These women that are being punished under the mandatory minimum drug laws are the wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, nieces, granddaughters and girlfriends of many law abiding citizens in society. These women become involved in drug crimes because of their dependence to their significant other, whether it is financially, because of fear or other extenuating circumstance. Women who become victims of mandatory minimum laws are incarcerated and subject to patriarchal sentences because the men in their lives coerced, obliged or scammed them into carrying drugs . Women in jails and prisons are often oppressed and even victimized. There are many race and gender inequalities in the criminal justice system when it comes to addressing women and their needs. Women offenders are more likely to be incarcerated now than they were at any other time in the history of the United States. The legal system has become more willing to prosecute and incarcerate women than at any other time in the history of the United States.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Fashion Marketing innovation idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fashion Marketing innovation idea - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Marketing innovation idea" presents the idea of using Pop-Up Stores to Boost Sales for Online Fashion Shop. Tackling the above stated problems in the online business may require a bit of innovativeness. Pop-up stores, also known as flash retail, stand as an ideal means to extend the online brand to consumers who are offline and consequently build the confidence of consumers to interact with the e-shop frequently. Consumers embrace and flock to the myriad manifestations of pop-up stands and it is thus an innovative and legitimate means of making a connection with consumer and extending online brands. The most recent iterations of pop-up spaces unearth high-end signage, decorative displays, cutting-edge mobile commerce capacities, and significant interactive experience that can benefit any online business to have meaningful connection with customers. This report elucidates how these innovations – pop-up stores – can help in increasing sales for online f ashion shops that are grappling with diffusing their new brands to the market. Further, pop-up stores are discussed in detail as a marketing mix to show how online fashion businesses can make the most out of something that is seemingly temporary. This report’s main aim is to depict how pop-up stores can make the most out of pop-up shops and off line spaces to revamp their brands and boost sales.The report will also show the short term and long term benefit of having an extra outlet for fashion product in terms of sales.